A story of a girl from Neyveli, who sets the best example for focus and dedication at work that can take anybody to great heights in career

Smitha Adarsh

VP - Piccosoft Software Labs India (P) Ltd

Posted On - 10 Aug 2022

‘’If a person has to succeed in their career, apart from a good company and a good boss, full support from the family is also important. This is even more true when it comes to girls in our country. Vijayalakshmi is one such girl from Piccosoft – a NodeJS Back End Developer, who hails from Neyveli in Tamil Nadu.’’

A good company that provided her numerous opportunities did matter to her successful career. However, she has full support from her parents too. Let us now read the inspiring story of Vijayalakshmi, on how she joined Piccosoft, how she grew in her career, and what she is today.

Vijayalakshmi’s Father had a private job in a courier company in Pondicherry and he mostly stayed away from Vijayalakshmi and her mother for his work. Vijayalakshmi is a single child.

This middle-class family parents, always encouraged Vijayalakshmi to study well and earn a decent degree that can fetch her a good job.

Vijayalakshmi - with her mother, who has supported her through out her career journey.

Vijayalakshmi says, ‘’Right from my childhood days, my father has always told me one thing. We should never depend on anybody for anything and especially financially. We should try to be independent as much as possible. This can be achieved, only if you study well and get a good job. So, these words of him has always remained in my mind.’’

After Vijayalakshmi’s schooling and college, she earned an engineering degree in Computer Science and she decided on getting into IT career. She tried attending interviews in couple of IT companies, where she got rejected.

She says, ‘’However, these rejections did not dishearten me. I took it positively as I gained an experience in facing the interviews and understanding about what preparation is needed to excel in the interviews in IT companies. This helped me prepare well, before I attended the interview at Piccosoft.’’

After clearing 3 rounds of interview process at Piccosoft, she joined Piccosoft as a trainee Developer in PHP technology. Initially, during her first year, she was a slow learner. After she finished her training and when she was placed in a project, she just managed to meet expectations, even with great struggle. However, the Team Leader under whom she was working was encouraging her, as he knew that she had the potential, although somewhere she lagged behind in something.

She says, ‘’Although I was not a fast learner, I always had this attitude in me. I’m focused on whatever I do. When I’m doing a particular work, I do not get diverted no matter what. This is one attitude that is appreciated by all my team members and Team Leader.’’

Then, she was given an opportunity to upskill herself to NodeJS. After she upskilled, she was put into Spurtcommerce team – Piccosoft’s in-house product and open-source eCommerce solution in NodeJS and Angular.

During the pandemic, when everyone in the Company had to work from home, Vijayalakshmi says, ‘’My Parents very well understand and respect my focus at work. When I’m working, they just don’t want to disturb me with anything. Even if it is lunch time, my mom, instead of calling me for lunch, she would put some food in a plate and come to my desk and feed me. I have always received full support from my parents, through out my tenure at work, until now.’’

After she joined Spurtcommerce team, she has been doing very well. She has understood the entire product – end-to-end. She has handled the entire back-end development all by herself, under the guidance of her Team Leader. She has been able to achieve this with her immense focus and dedication towards her role and responsibilities in the team.

Vijayalakshmi - working from home during lockdown.

She also says, ‘’Whenever the testing team says that there is a bug or issue in my code, I just want to rework on that and resolve it, even if it takes late hours at night. I just can’t sleep peacefully, if my work has a mistake in it. I can get a peaceful sleep, only when my work is clean and neat.’’

Now, she is managing an entire team of Back End Developers under her. It has been 4 years that she completed in Piccosoft and 3 years in Spurtcommerce product development. Piccosoft considers that Vijayalakshmi is one of the key contributors to the success of Spurtcommerce today.

She says, ‘’The proudest moment for me is I have been supporting my parents for last 4 years now, after my father quit his job.’’

The entire staff and Management at Piccosoft congratulate Vijayalakshmi on her success and we also believe she is the best inspiring example of staying focused and dedicated at work. We all wish her all the best in her future journey with us.